Nov 21, 2023

2024 Recruitment Trends

As 2023 concludes we investigate the recruitment trends in store for 2024. Attract the best talent through following the trends below.

Hybrid working

Hybrid working is taken as a given by office-based employees who can complete their work from home. If your organisation doesn’t offer hybrid working, you may be missing out on hiring top talent who are looking for a mix of at-home and in-office working.

Employer branding

Ensure that you have a strong employer brand, with a clear mission statement and set of values that your team strives to achieve. Show that you value your employees as people and highlight that you are an employee focused on promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Encourage your employees and clients to review your business online on your social media channels, Google, and any other employer review sites such Glassdoor and Indeed.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

It is attractive to future employees to be able to work for a diverse and inclusive company. Encompassing a diverse workforce means that your organisation benefits from different perspectives, experience, ideas, and opinions. Which in turn results in improved creativity, increased innovation, better customer experience and productivity.

Employer driven market

There’s been a shift from a candidate-led to an employer-led hiring market over 2023, this is a trend expected to continue into 2024. This is when there are more qualified candidates than job openings available – putting more bargaining power into the hands of the employer.

Automation and AI

Automation and AI has been revolutionizing the recruitment process for some time. New software tools have sped up the time to hire, increased hiring rates and improved the overall candidate experience.

Resume Screening and Candidate Matching:

AI algorithms can quickly analyse large volumes of resumes to identify candidates with the most relevant skills and experience.

Automated systems can match candidate profiles with job requirements, improving the efficiency of the initial screening process.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants:

AI-powered chatbots can engage with candidates on websites or through messaging platforms, providing information about job openings, company culture, and application processes.

Virtual assistants can answer frequently asked questions, schedule interviews, and collect preliminary information from candidates.

Predictive Analytics for Candidate Success:

AI algorithms can analyse data from successful employees to identify patterns and traits associated with high performance. This information can be used to predict a candidate’s likelihood of success in a specific role.

Video Interview Analysis:

AI tools can analyse video interviews to assess non-verbal cues, facial expressions, and speech patterns to provide insights into a candidate’s suitability for a role.

This can help recruiters make more informed decisions about a candidate’s soft skills and cultural fit.

Diversity and Inclusion:

AI can be used to reduce biases in the recruitment process by focusing on skills, qualifications, and job-related criteria rather than personal characteristics.

Some tools are designed to identify and mitigate biases in job descriptions and help ensure a diverse pool of candidates.

Automation of Routine Tasks:

AI can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as scheduling interviews, sending follow-up emails, and managing communication with candidates.

This allows recruiters to focus on more strategic aspects of the hiring process.

Skills Assessment and Training:

AI-driven assessments can evaluate a candidate’s skills and competencies more objectively, providing insights into their abilities in areas such as coding, problem-solving, or language proficiency.

AI can also be used for personalized training and development plans to upskill existing employees.

Talent Acquisition and Market Analysis:

AI tools can analyse market trends and provide insights into the availability of talent, salary benchmarks, and competitive intelligence.

This information helps recruiters make data-driven decisions about hiring strategies.

While AI brings several benefits to the recruitment process, it’s essential to address ethical considerations, such as transparency, fairness, and the potential for algorithmic bias. Striking the right balance between automation and human judgment is crucial for optimizing the recruitment process and ensuring a positive candidate experience.

Gen Z entering the workforce

Gen Z has started to enter the workforce and is known for being tech-savvy, socially conscious, and seeking purpose in their work. To attract and retain Gen Z employees you should have strong policies on social and environmental principles, leverage technology in the workplace, offer flexible working, promote professional development opportunities, offer an employee well-being program, and demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion.


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